How To Use A Fire Extinguisher
This instructional pamphlet outlines the proper way to use a fire extinguisher.

How To Put Out A Kitchen Fire
This instructional pamphlet details how to safely and effectively put out a kitchen fire in your home.

Cylinder Gas Check Device
This instructional pamphlet outlines how to install and use your Cylinder Gas Check Device.
How To Set Up a Portable Medical Oxygen Cylinder
A step-by-step guide on how to set up a portable medical oxygen cylinder at home. Duane Boothe, Trade Development Representative for IGL, demonstrates the steps to set up your medical oxygen cylinder for home use.
How to Set Up A Helium Cylinder
A step-by-step demonstration for setting up a helium cylinder. Duane Boothe, Trade Development Representative for IGL Limited, demonstrates the steps for setting up your helium cylinder.
How to Check For Leaks in Your LPG Cylinder
Steps you need to take if you suspect a leak in your LPG cylinder. If you have identified a leak, contact your IGL authorised dealer or plant immediately.
What to Expect When Ordering From Home
Ready for your next LPG purchase? Enjoy our contact free ordering options. We’ll deliver your next cylinder right to your door!
How to Install Your Regulator
Odane McIntyre, Service and Installation Manager for IGL Limited guides you on how to safely install a regulator onto an LPG cylinder.
How To Set Up A 6.91 Medical Oxygen Cylinder
A step-by-step guide on how to set up a 6.91 medical oxygen cylinder at home. Duane Boothe, Trade Development Representative for IGL Limited, demonstrates the steps to set up your medical oxygen cylinder for home use.
LPG Cylinder Maintenance & Safety Precaution Tips
Odane McIntyre, Service and Installation Manager for IGL Limited highlights a few safety and maintenance considerations for your LPG cylinders.